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Louis-Félix Binette (he/him)

Executive Director, MAIN

A bit rebellious, a bit philosophical, quite creative, Louis-Félix Binette has devoted his career — as a political adviser, diplomat, entrepreneur — to giving life to ideas and projects like no other, in order to deliver innovation, commitment and impact in a complex world. He co-founded and has led MAIN since 2018, the Quebec Acceleration and Incubation Network. He also co-founded the Montreal chapter of F*ckup Nights and contributed to the development of the CreativeMornings network in Quebec and around the world.



Welcome to AcceleratorFest!

AcceleratorFest is back after a hiatus since 2019 — and is celebrating it's 10th edition. This gathering of great minds of people running accelerators from all around the world is the perfect occasion to get inspired, reframe our perspectives, and elevate ourselves. See More.

ELEVATE: How can I become an (even) better accelerator?

Part 1: Taking care of People Part 2: Taking care of Tech; Crafting tech that serves a purpose, makes profit, and appeals to clients, investors, and the world Part 3: Taking care of Business (models) and the spaces where we deliver it See More.